Daily wellness goals

“Return to your rest, my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you.”

Psalm 116:7

Motherhood has been a beautiful gift. I’ve loved deeper than ever before, laughed harder than ever before, & truly feel I’m living my purpose every single day. Loving my husband & baby boy, and caring for our home has brought me joy beyond what I’ve ever experienced. I love being Hudson’s mommy. Some days, after the cooking, cleaning, bath-giving, and singing - I don’t even feel tired. I could live in these moments forever.

But, if I’m not careful, sooner or later I’ll hit the ground. I’m still just a human, even though sometimes mommyhood truly makes me feel like a superhero. The truth is, I need Jesus every second of every day. To be a patient wife, a peaceful mama, and a present friend. Something that the Lord has been teaching me in this fun, chaotic season of life is to create moments of slow.

It’s in the quiet moments that we can meet Jesus face to face and lay down our burdens, fears, and emotions. We can refocus our eyes on God’s goodness, kindness, and strength as we remember what is truly important in this world. The silly things fall away, and our goal becomes simple: to love. To submit our hearts to the Lord and ask Him for wisdom as we love the precious family (& friends) He’s blessed us with.

My daily wellness goals are a few of the things I do every day to slow down. To stop checking off my running to-do list and choose to just be. To spend time with the people I love. To nourish the body God has blessed me with. To take time to rest & acknowledge that our Lord provides. He has in the past, and He will continue to do so. I don’t need to be super-mommy because the God of the universe keeps watch over my family.

These moments of rest refresh me and give me strength to be the best mama and wifey I can be. Every day is a gift & I don’t want to waste even a small piece of today getting caught up in the busyness of life. I hope these daily wellness goals will feed your soul as they have mine.

Mornings in the Word

Rather than waking up and immediately squinting my way through my Instagram feed, my first wellness goal of the day is to spend time in God’s Word. I love the Daily Grace app - it’s full of beautiful, well-written devotionals and studies. The Daily Grace Co. was founded by Kristin Schmucker nearly eight years ago & her team’s mission is to equip disciples in the Word. I’ve enjoyed many of the studies, particularly Gospel-centered Motherhood. I would recommend that one to any mamas or soon-to-be mamas.

Starting off my morning with Jesus allows me to lay down all my expectations and worries for the day & fill up on His love. As He speaks to me through His Word, I’m filled with His peace and reminded of His goodness. I feel the weight fall off my shoulders, and am reminded of my true purpose as mama, wife, and friend.

Make the bed

As silly as it may sound, we make the bed every single morning & it truly does feel oh, so good. It’s the first task of the day, and it’s an easy one - so checking it off my list helps me start the day on a productive note. I would add to this goal, that I like to keep the house tidy as I go about my day. I do my best to not let things pile up & quickly return them back to their place.

Keeping our home clutter free & finding a place for the items we use daily helps me keep a clear, organized mind. I don’t struggle through those “wait, where did I put that” moments as much these days. I like to think of these small, proactive tasks as doing my future self a favor. Later in the day, when I run back into our bedroom to grab a hair claw, I smile at the freshly made bed & look forward to sinking into it at the end of the long day.

Slow Moments with Hudson

Hudson & I have a special routine each morning. When I hear him start to talk & giggle in his room, I run in, scoop him up (blankie and all) - and bring him over to the rocking chair to read a few of his favorite books. No matter what I have on my to-do list for the day, I let it all fade away and allow myself to be present for this moment. These sweet, silly cuddles feed my soul, and nourish my mama’s heart.

If we have a more rushed morning, I try to find time later in the day to slow down, snuggle up, and read books with him or be playful and join him in whatever game that’s captured his attention that day. My goal is to simply be present. To meet him right where he’s at, to soak in the wonder with him & to tickle him when he’s feeling especially giggly. I don’t want to take any one of these precious moments for granted.


Some days, I truly wrestle with the idea of staying in my pajamas all day long. Do I really have to take a shower today? Yes, yes I do. No matter how busy the day is, I try to find even just a quick 20 minutes to take a hot shower, do my skincare routine, fix my hair, and feel like a woman again. I’m embarrassed to say that some days this feels like too much work.

But these small moments of self-care give me the energy I need to stay productive and take on my next task with confidence. Along with these daily moments of care, I also try to stay on top of my general beauty maintenance by getting regular mani/pedis, shaping my eyebrows, and keeping up with my hair appointments. These consistently scheduled treats help to make my daily self-care routines even simpler. So enjoy treating yourself, mama!

Water, water, water

If you’ve read my “What I eat in a day: weekday edition” then you know I take my daily water intake very seriously. After going through an emergency kidney stone surgery last year, I’ve learned the importance of being kind to my body. These days, my diet plan is simple: to eat a clean, balanced diet & to stay well hydrated. Drinking enough water daily helps me to feel great & gives me the energy I need to take on the tasks for the day.

I’ve also noticed that when I stay hydrated, it’s much easier for me to listen to when I’m truly hungry or what specific foods I’m craving that day. Intuitive eating has been gaining popularity these last few years, and I can see why! In the past, I was often discouraged by strict diet plans - but now I eat much more freely & am the healthiest I’ve ever been. I’m truly enjoying nourishing the body that God has blessed me with.

Sunset walks

My favorite way to wrap up the day is to go on a walk in the setting sunshine with my boys after dinner. Breathing in the fresh air, watching Hudson gather crispy leaves, and catching up on my husband’s work day makes my heart happy.

Family time is the most important time of the day, and going on a walk is a wonderful opportunity for us to leave the to-do’s at home and just simply be together. We laugh, we run, we tell stories. It’s a beautiful time & a habit that I hope to continue until we’re old and gray.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

How incredible is it that the God of our universe spent six days creating all of the wonder and splendor that we enjoy every day, and on the seventh day, he rested. If our all-powerful Father in heaven took time to rest, how much more so do we need to take time to slow down and fill back up with His love.

Your moments of slow may look different than mine, and that’s ok! The important thing is that we’re taking the time to unplug from the distractions & drink from the Living Water. Let’s fall into Jesus’ loving arms and humbly accept His mercy & grace. We are loved. Jesus loves us & our beautiful families and He goes before us all. Let’s truly rest in Him today.

til next time,



Peace in the present


What I eat in a day: weekday edition